Ministry of Health and PSA Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) Meeting – 27 September 2023

It has been three months already since the last JCC meeting between your Public Service Association (PSA) and the Ministry of Health (MoH).  As we come towards the end of another eventful year, we have one more meeting in December and if you have any collective concerns you like raised, please come along to the next members meeting which will be organised soon.

The meeting was attended by Phil Minns, Deputy Secretary of People Culture and Governance who was open and encouraging to hear the concerns raised by our members.


We were provided an update of the eApproval and were advised it is now in the second stage of the roll out.   There is on-going access to training and support in various forms and we encourage you to reach out and use these resources as needed.

There have been over 80 enhancements implemented, many due to feedback from staff testing and piloting the system. Please continue to provide feedback as it is you, the final users, who are best equipped to improve it.


Corporate Services and Business Improvement Branch and Pharmaceutical Services are in the implementation phases.

If you are impacted by a restructure, please contact our Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 for advice and support.

Work Health and Safety

The Ministry advised that the WHS Committee is now fully engaged with members and making some great progress.  A recent risk of the bathroom doors and lack of visibility was raised and Facilities are reviewing possible solutions to remove the risk.

If you are interested in being part of improving WHS within the Ministry, approach your local WHS Committee members and ask how you can get involved. WHS is everyone’s business.


Staffing and recruitment within the Ministry is a standing item within the JCC. The PSA has been advised that the number of permanent staff within the Ministry is increasing, with a consistent reduction in contract and contingent staff. This is great news.

Do you know someone who still needs to join the PSA? 

You can support the work of the PSA and delegates to get better outcomes for everyone just by asking your colleagues to JOIN the PSA.

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