Multicultural NSW: JCC Sub-Committee for Language Services - Public Service Association

Multicultural NSW: JCC Sub-Committee for Language Services

Please see the below summary of the first 2024 JCC Sub-Committee meeting between the PSA and Multicultural NSW (MNSW). These meetings occur quarterly and are based on member concerns put forward to PSA Delegates. Members are encouraged to contact their delegates regarding any workplace concerns they may have for the next meeting in August. If a matter is more pressing, members can contact the PSA via email at or on 1800 772 679.

Language Services Panel pay increment

Delegates have alerted the PSA to the fact that the last pay increase won by the PSA on behalf of members was not applied to Translator and Interpreter payrates. The PSA raised this with MNSW and followed up in writing. Members will receive a further update shortly.

Chief Magistrate’s office direction

MNSW provided an update on the changes to accessing documents in court as directed by the Chief Magistrate’s Office. As members will be aware, the PSA put forward member concerns about having to directly approach the Magistrate during an open court session in order to access documents. Members were concerned there was no guidance from MNSW on this new protocol.

MNSW acknowledged it will be working through the challenges and contingencies the changes have given rise to. Its is actively seeking feedback from Translators and Interpreters on how the implementation of the new process is going. MNSW confirmed it also developed a script for members to use if documents had to be requested during court. MNSW management will also attend court to see firsthand how the new arrangements are going. MNSW emphasised the process of implementation was ongoing and members can continue to provide feedback to management.


The PSA raised concerns from members regarding how allocations are undertaken by MNSW. MNSW explained that allocations can be done manually or automatically. The default is to have them done automatically, based on a member’s availability, certification level, location, whether other work has been allocated on the same day, the gender requested by the client and so on. Allocations can also be manually done by an officer but this is not the default. MNSW advised any individual concerns can be reviewed if the members would like the PSA to raise them to MNSW.

Employment status

MNSW is also looking at the impact of having a casual translator and interpreter workforce and if casual employment contracts are the best way to promote the work and image of MNSW. MNSW is considering other forms of employment including ongoing employment. The PSA is aware that securing ongoing employment is a significant concern for many members. The PSA will keep advocating for members and keep everyone up to date about the issue.



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