Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences bulletin - Public Service Association

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences bulletin

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences bulletin – February 2018 (PDF version)

Work Place Group Meetings for 2018

The MAAS Workplace Group Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for 14 March at 12:30. Location to be advised by way of formal meeting notice.

There will also be quarterly lunchtime meetings at the Powerhouse for all members. WPG meetings are for all members to raise issues they believe require follow up at the workplace. The issues can relate to local matters or matters affecting all public servants. This can include, but are not exclusive to inequality, women’s rights, Work Health and Safety issues, or just seeking clarification of your entitlements. At these meetings, we will also talk about the major campaigns that will be happening this year and how you can be involved in them.

Visitor Service Officer update

Members would be aware that the issue of the claim by the PSA on behalf of VSOs employed as casuals has been a matter of attempted conciliation and now the matter is to be arbitrated.

In November 2017 the MAAS made an offer to the PSA to settle the matter of the pay issue. Members overwhelmingly rejected the offer but the PSA was happy to discuss and consult with the museum if necessary.

During the period, while the ballot was being undertaken, the proposed dates for arbitration were put aside.

On 12 December the Industrial Relations Commission issued new dates for the arbitration of this matter these dates are:

PSA to file and serve statements and documents by 16 February 2018

MAAS to file and serve statements and documents by 16 March 2018

PSA to respond and reply by 3 April 2018.

Matter set down for hearing 9 and 10 April 2018.

As previously stated consultation regarding this matter can continue throughout this period.


Members should be aware that when you are asked to attend a meeting at your workplace, you have the right to take a support person to the meeting. A support person can be a member of staff, a local delegate or your PSA Union Official.

Please ensure that you are aware of what the meeting is about, ASK FOR THE AGENDA prior to attending any meeting and make sure the meeting does not move outside of the agenda items. This information is important for you to follow.


The PSA has been trying to hold a BBQ for our members and potential members at the Powerhouse for more than 12 months but to date we have not been able to get approval to do so. We will keep trying.


  • 10 March International Women’s Day March see flyer HERE.
  • 14 March MAAS Workplace Group AGM Meeting Notice and Location to be advised.
  • 9 & 10 April Arbitration of VSO Pay Issue before the Industrial Relations Commission
  • 1 May May Day. On May 6, the PSA will be marching and all members are invited to come together to celebrate international solidarity. Location and time to be provided to all PSA members by general broadcast.

Your PSA Delegates are:

Damian McDonald

Dimity Holt

Nancy Lamott

Nathan Farrow

Kathy Hackett

Katrina Hogan

Paul Quealy

Your PSA Officials are:

Kerrie Butson – Senior Industrial Officer

Harry Wall – PSA Organiser

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