National Heavy Vehicle Regulator: What is happening? - Public Service Association

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator: What is happening?

Since our last update to members, the transition to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has made significant progress. Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has determined their retained structure, and they have commenced the process of employees in blended roles expressing an interest in transitioning.

The PSA, NHVR and TfNSW are meeting regularly to discuss developments in the transition and any concerns held about the implementation of the transition.

Position title

We know NHVR intends to change the titles of transitioning roles to align with existing NHVR roles. The PSA was concerned about NHVR’s intentions and the implications of the title change. Firstly, did NHVR intend also to change the duties and responsibilities position description? Secondly, there could be unintended consequences of a change in the position title due to references of position titles in the Award.

No changes to PD

NHVR has provided the PSA with the role descriptions. Whilst there has been a name change; the content of the position descriptions remain the same. This means your responsibilities and duties would remain the same.

We understand TfNSW has commenced the blended roles process, with the expression of interests open. As part of the process, we were advised NHVR has provided information packs to assist employees in deciding whether they express an interest in transitioning. Included in the information pack are the position descriptions.

Award references

We are working with NHVR to ensure that any name change will not affect employee’s entitlements to conditions where their current role title is referenced in the Award.

Amending regulations 

Where changes in position titles may impact the enforcement of provisions, NHVR has assured the PSA there will be amendments to the legislation and/or regulations to reflect the new titles.

References in award: Policy and State Industrial Tribunal

Your conditions of employment are protected for up to five years (minimum of two). Facilitating this protection is your Award becoming what is known as a copied State Award. Included in the conditions of your Award are policies and references to bodies that will be inoperative, such as the Industrial relations Commission (IRC).

We want to assure members that the Award will continue to achieve the same terms and conditions. Any reference to policies will be honoured by NHVR, and references to the IRC will mean the Fair Work Commission.

The PSA is in continued discussions with the NHVR to ensure this is achieved.


TfNSW policy on vaccinations comes into effect on Monday, 6 December 2021. Whilst you may be transitioning to NHVR, TfNSW currently employs you. As such, its policy applies to your employment.

Date for transition?

A date for the transition is still yet to be confirmed. We continue to hear transition will occur in mid-2022.

Members’ meeting

The PSA is holding a members meeting via Teams at 12:00pm on Tuesday 7 December 2021. You can join this meeting HERE.

If you are unable to attend and have any questions you can contact your PSA representative:

Jess Moore Industrial Officer
Ben James TfNSW Organiser
Ian Braithwaite TfNSW COI Organiser

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