NESA Restructure – requirement to consult with the PSA
After PSA members at the NSW Education Standards Authority communicated concerns about a restructure, the PSA sent urgent correspondence on 18 March, about the department’s lack of consultation. The letter to CEO, Paul Martin, copied to the Deputy Secretary, Corporate Services, asserted the Crown Award Clause 65 requirement to consult with the Association over a proposed restructure and to comply with Public Service Commission Agency Change Management Guidelines, by providing a change management plan (CMP), before making any decisions about significant organisational change.
The PSA sought an immediate undertaking that further restructure actions at NESA cease, until the PSA is provided with a Change Management Plan and meaningful discussions between NESA management and the PSA about proposed changes are undertaken.
The Association advised we wish to work with the agency to minimise the impact on employees and their service delivery.
The PSA has followed up for a formal response, since none has yet been provided.
With the increasingly serious situation and impacts developing daily due to COVID-19, it is now the position of the PSA that the restructure should be halted during this period, at least until normal work resumes.
We want to meet with PSA members at NESA
To support PSA members at NESA and hear your concerns, PSA staff wish to meet with you via video/tele-conference this week.
Thursday 2 April 12:30pm-1:30pm
Teleconference meeting details
To join, dial 1300 153 643 and enter the Conference ID: 670768.
PSA NESA Delegates
Paul Dunford
Jemima Laughton
Marisa Kelen
Gianna Robertson
PSA Industrial staff
Katy Ambler Industrial officer
1300 772679
Vivette Horrex Organiser
1300 772679
Not a member?
Agency, temporary and ongoing staff are eligible to join the PSA HERE.
Otherwise speak to a Delegate, or a PSA Organiser.
PSA Member Support Centre (MSC)
Members wishing to make contact with the PSA outside of invited visit times are encouraged to do so by contacting the PSA MSC on 1300 772 679.
All conversations with any PSA representative are strictly confidential.
Update your details
If your substantive position is no longer at this worksite, please update your details with the PSA by sending an email (subject: ‘Update my work details’) with your current signature block to .