Northern NSW, Mid North Coast and New England Joint Consultative Committee meeting - Public Service Association

Northern NSW, Mid North Coast and New England Joint Consultative Committee meeting

The quarterly Joint Consultative Committee meeting (JCC) was held on 6 December 2024 for Northern NSW, Mid North Coast and New England and was attended by the Public Service Association (PSA), your elected Delegates and Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) leadership.

This meeting serves as an important platform for discussions on various matters affecting our members in this District. Below are the key highlights:

Co-located office with Youth Justice and Glenn Inness Community Services Centre

Regional Organiser Stephen Mears raised concern that there had been no consultation with the PSA regarding the proposal for Youth Justice and Glenn Innes to be co-located. Stephen raised concern that members at the Community Services Centre (CSC) have been informed this week of a move just after new year. Members have not seen the risk assessment and the Executive District Director stated she will follow up with Infrastructure and Assets.

Individual and Group Supervision

The PSA has been raising issues with the lack of Individual and Group supervision the past couple of JCCs while noting the high workload of Management Casework. The District Director took an action to ensure that Individual and Group supervision is scheduled into staff calendars. There will be a spread sheet kept centrally to record the number of Individual Supervision that is taking place and this will be reviewed by Management.

External training

The PSA requested information on external training, what is the process for staff that identify training needs. For example, some staff recently attended external FASD training, paid for it themselves and took their own leave to attend. The PSA requested that these staff be reimbursed for this training and were advised that any training to be paid for the DCJ would need pre-approval. Director Community Services Jude Townsend advised she would investigate DCJ running “Safe and Together” training in the District and the District are looking into other Domestic Violence training.


The PSA raised concern that Kinship Carers, low and high cost placements and carer recruitment and support are now back being managed by the CSC and no information about the increase of Resource Allocation Model (RAM). District Director stated that RAM was at the state level. The PSA are advocating for increased staffing regardless of RAM.

DCJ reports that NE are still facing the toughest challenges with recruitment with a vacancy rate of 35 caseworkers, MNC with a vacancy rate of 3 caseworkers and NNSW have a vacancy rate of 11 caseworkers from the Lismore office. The District Director confirmed that she has provided direction that each district can go over 15 Caseworkers. Delegates stated that staff are leaving due to excessive caseload. The PSA has asked for a standard agenda item for the JCC is a discussion on why staff are leaving.

Work Health and Safety Reports

PSA noted that there was an increase of 24 notifications in the Work Health Safety report for July to September 24/25 with 23 notifications of Bullying and Harassment. PSA raised concerns that Bullying and Harassment within Community Services is an issue that DCJ need to look at. PSA encourages members to continue to make WHS Safety Suite reports and to get in touch with the PSA if this is happening to you.

SafeWork Improvement Notice

In November a SafeWork Improvement Notice was placed on the District due to staff being exposed to a risk to their Psychological Health and Safety from Psychological hazards such as exposure to aggression and traumatic events. Management have been consulting with WHS group, locally and are in discussion about a checklist and other strategies to support staff.

Ballina CSC closure

District Director advised that they were working with Council to remediate the mould and fixing the leak in the roof. A hygienist will then be back to complete a clearance. Since the JCC the site has closed with Ballina staff working from the new Goonellabah site. The PSA have met with District Director and Infrastructure and Assets and raised a number of Work Health Safety questions to allow the PSA to have a deeper understanding of the situation. We have now been advised that DCJ are actively looking for a permanent move to an alternate site, due to the inability for the issues at the site to be remediated. The office closure is a great loss for our members in Ballina however due to the number of health concerns our members have raised over the years we will no longer support our members being back at that site unless full remediation of the issues are presented to the PSA and Health and Safety Representatives. If members have had individual health concerns, lodge a WHS Safety Suite report and contact Regional Organiser Rebecca Reilly for further support. The PSA will continue o advocate for our members at this site and welcome any feedback or suggestions.

Approval timeframe

PSA requested information on reasonable timeframes for financial approvals. District Director stated that a reasonable time would be 48 hours per level. If its urgent, then caseworkers could locate where the approval is sitting and highlight to executive staff.

The next JCC meeting is scheduled for March date yet to be provided. Members are encouraged to speak to their local Delegates to raise any issues and have your voices heard.


Member Support Centre
1800 772 679

Stephen Mears Regional Organiser

Michael Smart Regional Organiser

Rebecca Reilly Regional Organiser


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