Now is the time to get involved – nominate for the Safework Inspectors Vocational Group Sub-committee - Public Service Association

Now is the time to get involved – nominate for the Safework Inspectors Vocational Group Sub-committee

As the Better Regulation Division restructure takes effect, and with the outcomes of the Independent Review of SafeWork NSW (‘the McDougall report’) soon to be handed down, it is more important than ever to have a say in how the changes affect you and your colleagues.

We acknowledge that change brings with it a degree of stress and an increase in workload for those who volunteer to support members through challenging times. That is why the Public Service Association is constituting a sub-committee of SafeWork Inspectors to work with the union alongside your delegates on a collective response to these important issues.

Nominations open for a SafeWork NSW PSA Sub-Committee

The PSA is calling for nominations for the SafeWork NSW Sub-Committee.  The committee will be constituted to deal specifically with matters arising from the BRD 2.0 restructure and the McDougall report recommendations with the support of your Organiser and Industrial Officer.

Nominate HERE

All members are encouraged to put their hand up to take part in this important piece of work.

Formal Vocational Group Elections to be held in 2024

Following the formation of the committee the PSA will hold formal elections for the SafeWork NSW Vocational Group in 2024 to ensure broad representation of the membership. If you are interested in becoming a delegate, please nominate for the Vocational Group when the call for nominations is released in the new year.





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