NSW Crime Commission: meeting summary
On Tuesday 31 August 2021, the PSA held a members meeting for all staff. Your Organiser, Marko and Industrial Officer, Andy thank everyone who could attend.
For those who could not attend, please see the outlined summary below for your information.
Flexible working arrangements
- The PSA is currently working towards moving NSW Crime Commission to a more standardised flexible working arrangement in line with the wider agreement utilised within the Department of Communities and Justice.
- This Policy will increase your flex period to three months, with a potential carry-over credit of 42 hours and negative balance of 14 hours.
- Seeking that the department come to an agreement that more than 1 flex day can be taken per month – this will enable members on 4 week recreation leave agreements to utilise flexible working conditions instead of leave during the shutdown period.
- The PSA is seeking interested members to form a Flexible Work Agreement Steering Committee to assist the PSA in negotiations with management.
2.5 per cent pay rise
- After a concerted effort and immense pressure from the PSA and other NSW Public Sector Unions, the NSW Government backtracked plans to cut pay increases. Your 2.5 per cent pay increase, including Superannuation Contributions should now be reflected in your pay slips.
COVID-19: Special Leave and vaccinations
- All members should be able to access special leave for up to two hours or an equivalent payment at the base rate of pay. If additional time is required, alternative leave arrangements such as flex leave/recreation leave etc. should be made available.
- If members believe they are having issues accessing special leave for any reason related to COVID-19, please contact the PSA member support centre, or your Organiser.
Delegate nominations
- The PSA will be calling for nominations for interested members to represent their fellow workers – a separate bulletin regarding Nominations will be distributed shortly.
Next meeting date
- The PSA plans on holding another meeting next month.
PSA industrial staff contact details
Do you know someone who needs help or advice?
Tell them to Join Now and Contact the PSA Today!