NSW Police Special Constables bargaining update
NSW Police Special Constables bargaining update – May 2017 (PDF version)
As members in Special Constables are aware, the PSA has been working through a bargaining process on your award with NSW Police.
The most recent bargaining meeting was in January and the PSA put out a subsequent bulletin updating members on progress and outlining undertakings from NSW Police, available HERE.
The PSA feels this process has been unnecessarily stalled and we share members’ understandable frustration and concerns on the matter. The PSA recently contacted NSW Police and advised if there was no real progress on the matter, we would be left with no choice but to commence dispute proceedings in the Industrial Relations Commission. NSW Police has now invited the PSA to a meeting next week to discuss what the next steps will look like. The PSA will report back to members after the meeting and will consider further necessary actions if it appears the matter is not progressing.
The PSA is seeking to protect your rights and conditions and get you the award you deserve – your roles are too important to settle for anything less. We ask all members and non-members to complete a short survey on the award process available HERE.
With the appointment of a new Police Commissioner at the end of March 2017, we see potential for a refreshed approach and a hope of working through these issues collaboratively. The PSA has written to Commissioner Fuller to seek a meeting and discuss a number of pertinent issues affecting our members across all of NSW Police – rest assured Special Constables will be a central theme. We will update members once this meeting has taken place.
A number of key issues have also been put onto the agenda at peak Health and Safety Committees, including the deficiencies in weapons training timetables, and the imminent rollout of Tasers. We will keep members informed as information comes to hand.
Finally, nominations for the Special Constables Workplace Advisory Group are currently underway and close at 3pm on Thursday 8 June. Once elected, this group of five will be your union representatives meeting regular to discuss and progress issues across Special Constables. All interested members are encouraged to nominate. If more than five nominations are received, the positions will go to ballot – staff wishing to vote will need to be financial members of the PSA.
It’s time to join your colleagues and get involved in fighting for your rights and conditions – strong membership means a strong union!
What can you do?
- Not a member? Get involved by signing up!
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA.
- Get involved by becoming a local union delegate or contact.