NSW Public Works IRC update
NSW Public Works IRC update – June 2016 (PDF version)
On Thursday 16 June the Department put on an urgent application in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) for dispute orders against the unions for the two days of strike action taken by members. Union members took strike action in protest against the DFSI’s refusal to provide any firm detail in its latest offer for Construction Services Group (CSG) employees, in particular, expressions of interest (EOI) for available positions with the buyer.
The Department was unsuccessful in obtaining the orders.
Commissioner Newall recommended that the Department meet with the unions (PSA, CFMEU and Professionals Australia) as well as the successful bidder prior to the beginning of the contract of sale to discuss:
- That the bidder supply the staff structure and information about how many workers are needed in each trade before sale;
- That the buyer agrees to meet with all staff as a group before job offers to give a presentation on their company;
- That a definite understanding on how people will be selected is developed; and
- That the Department explain in writing its understanding of how an EOI works
- The buyer agrees to allow employees two weeks to consider any offer of employment
- Clarification on whether long-term temporary staff will receive severance payments.
The Department has previously agreed to an 18-month employment guarantee period.
Whether we pursue the 8-week transfer payment will be determined by members. The government introduced new regulations to the GSE Act on Friday 17 June to prohibit the payment of transfer payment or voluntary redundancies for such transfers. The PSA is organising opposition to this regulation through Union NSW.
The Unions are back at the negotiating table in the coming days.