NSW Trustee and Guardian Joint Consultative Committee Report Back
The PSA and NSW Trustee and Guardian (NSWTG) met on 19 February 2025 for the first Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting of 2025. Below is a summary of the meeting.
Update from CEO, Brian Woods
Intellectual Disability Rights Service Training
NSWTG advised that in partnership with Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS), NSWTG is providing training to frontline staff when interacting with people with Intellectual Disability. There are entry level online modules and face-to-face workshops with staggered delivery to June 2025. People leaders will be offered a leadership specific workshop sometime this year. Once the IDRS training is completed, the process will be replicated for staff training programs in relation to mental health and dementia.
Staff Forum
Most of the feedback received indicated that the 2024 Staff Forum was successful. There are plans for the forum to take place annually. For 2025, it is likely to be held in November.
Strategic Plan 2025-2028
In the next month or so there should be documentation circulated for consultation regarding the strategic plan.
Property Realignment
The CEO met with staff regarding the realignment. 43 people participated in the meeting. The CEO advised that property services across NSWTG will have reporting line changes so that there is one property team. The CEO emphasised that only the reporting lines are to change not the functions undertaken. The CEO also advised that additional property staff may be needed.
The PSA raised the issue of temporary staff contracts and the need to maintain adequate staff to properly assist NSWTG clients and alleviate existing workload pressures.
Work Health and Safety
Risk Logic
NSWTG advised Risk Logic was engaged last month and Risk Logic attended all NSWTG offices except Broken Hill. The PSA has put in feedback from members as well on the visits.
HSR Training Update
Training for HSRs is confirmed for next month and will be ongoing throughout the year.
Newcastle Office front reception (update)
Delegates will speak to members at the office and come back to NSWTG regarding recent changes to protocol.
The PSA advised that an email advising members of the changes was not sufficient. NSWTG advised they are willing to discuss any issues with members.
The PSA also advised that there are inconsistencies between offices regarding Work, Health and Safety (WHS) processes and shop front duties. NSWTG advised they would look into this, and the CEO advised he thought a standardised approach was favourable.
Duress Alarms
NSWTG confirm training on the Duress Alarm system will be implemented across all offices by People and Culture, commencing with Parramatta Justice Precinct under the supervision of Michelle Hodgeson. Refresher sessions will be provided periodically.
Principal Guardian On Call arrangement
There is an acknowledgement from NSWTG that workload has gone up for members who undertake Principal Guardian (PG) On Call duties.
The PSA and NSWTG recently met to try and resolve workload issues. Principal Guardians as a collective group submitted their issues in a briefing document to the senior leadership team on 19 February 2025. A meeting with principles, senior leadership and the CEO has been set for 25th February 2025.
PG Review and Response Team Pilot Update
The pilot is ongoing, but its continuation is subject to review. There was an evaluation report completed, which will now be shared with the PSA. The PSA noted that the report was finalised in the middle of last year.
The CEO advised the report found that the PG division required more resources, and that NSWTG has subsequently put in a bid for additional staff with NSW Treasury.