OEH – NPWS member update – December 2017
OEH – NPWS member update – Dec 2017 (PDF version)
The PSA appeared in the IRC for the 12th time regarding the restructure on the 7th December 2017. During proceedings the PSA raised concerns with the recruitment process being offered for the Senior Field Supervisor 3 role.
Members will be aware OEH has proposed recruitment to the new SFS3 roles will be limited to SFS, FS and SFO staff only, before advertising externally. The PSA advised the Government Sector Employment Act, Rules, Regulations and other associated policies do not allow the agency to pick and choose individual classifications of staff that they will limit internal recruitment to, in cases of promotional opportunities to different classifications of work.
The PSA met with 40 field officers in Kosciusko National Park comprising of PSA, AWU and non-members, where staff overwhelmingly endorsed recruitment for the SFS3 role be opened up to all affected NPWS staff.
All employees affected by this restructure should have the opportunity to apply regardless of your classification. If you have the skills for one of these positions, you should have the opportunity to be considered for these roles.
A PSA delegation led by General Secretary Mr Stewart Little met with the Hon. Gabriel Upton Minister for the Environment, on 12 December 2017. Also in attendance were Mr Michael Wright and Mr Anthony Lean. The PSA raised a number of issues regarding the restructure, and Mr Lean committed to reviewing what the PSA put to the Minister, with a view to meet before Friday 22 December to hopefully resolve these issues without need for further disputation through the Industrial Relations Commission.
The PSA will keep members updated with how these discussions progress.
Whilst many members will continue working over the festive season, the PSA would like to wish all members and their families’ best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year.