Office of Emergency Management: move to Department of Premier and Cabinet
Further to the members’ meeting held on 14 April 2020, the PSA requested answers to the following questions from the OEM:
- How many individuals will be affected by the move to DPC?
- How many people will lose their jobs?
- How many people will need to reapply for their jobs?
- Are roles being deleted, if so which ones?
- Will there be a physical relocation?
- Will there be a change in the scope of work at an agency and individual level to include new areas such as drought and pandemics?
- What are the implications for the agency regarding stake holder relationships including relationships with other government agencies?
The PSA also requested a Change Management Plan, the current and proposed Organisational Chart.
The OEM replied and advised that:
As per the Secretary’s advice of 6/4/20 OEM staff will move to DPC cluster with the formation of Resilience NSW. The new agency will take on all of the work of OEM, including the work of Bushfire Disaster Recovery Office. All staff will transfer on 1 May 2020 in their current roles. There are no other details at this stage as the development of the new organisation will commence when Shane Fitzsimmons takes up as Commissioner of Resilience NSW in May. This will include an assessment of what additional functions come in from across Government.
As detailed planning for the new organisation has yet to commence there is no information on structural or location change. As the new organisation is formed staff consultation will take place.
The PSA also spoke with the OEM on 16 April 2020. Further to the advice above, the PSA also understands that the OEM have planned staff briefings for the first week of Mr Fitzsimmons’ new appointment.
As members will be aware, the Award provides for consultation in the event of significant change. The PSA will be monitoring the situation and will be in contact with members to ensure there is proper and genuine consultation.
Your PSA staff
Alex Sala Organiser
Monika Wunderlin Industrial Officer
What can you do?
- Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online at:
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.
- Get involved as a PSA Delegate or Contact: get in touch with your Organiser.