Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions update
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions update – August 2017 (PDF version)
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions NSW Joint Consultative Committee Meeting 26 July – Report Back
Your PSA Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions NSW (ODDP) delegates and Industrial staff met with ODPP management on 26 July 2017 to discuss collective member issues at the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting. The following issues were discussed:
WAS Consultation – update
WAS PSA members asked for an update on the WAS ‘Tuned in Consultation’ process. Members were seeking feedback on access to the report and the next steps in the process. ODPP indicated that a new Manager for WAS had been announced and the report would be given to employees when the new Manager is in place.
Workload – number of cases
A number of PSA members have raised concerns about the high number of cases they are handling. To clarify expectations, members asked the following questions be put to ODPP at the JCC:
- On average how many matters should be allocated to each staff member?
- At what point is a staff member handling too many cases?
- Is there a trigger point to discuss the number of cases you have with your manager?
ODPP management indicated that Workload Management Agreement (Workload Management in the ODPP) outlined the relevant parameters on caseload management.
ODPP also noted that it was the organisation’s practice to use the measures in assessing and evaluating how many cases each staff member should be handling. ODPP encouraged staff to discuss their workload if they are above the prescribed number of cases.
PSA members should note issue of the Workload Weighting Systems was discussed at the previous JCC which can be read HERE.
ODPP indicated the second phase of the trial would be implemented across a wider range of areas including Trials. The timeframes were not specified at the JCC.
Flexitime and workload update
ODPP reported back on your union’s request to be provided the data on flexitime. The main aim is to analyse the data and identify any emerging patterns around the number of hours of work being done and possible flex hours being lost. ODPP reported that recording of data in SAP was in its infancy stage and data will be provided when available.
PSA members are encouraged to record all work time, even if it is beyond the current span of hours.
Cases Review
ODPP has put together a Cases Review Project Team to facilitate the development of a new case management system. The team will look into the technical aspects and business requirements in developing the system. When implemented, the system will streamline work which will help reduce workload in some areas.
Early Guilty Plea reforms
ODPP gave an update on the organisation’s approach to the Early Guilty Plea reforms.
ODPP indicated it will take a project-based approach and to date have commissioned an implementation team, conducted focus groups and are doing a road show about workforce planning, change and communications around the legislation. ODPP also noted the reform meant the organisation could need more staff.
From an employment perspective, ODPP Management flagged changes to the organisation’s structure and role descriptions.ODPP has not provided timelines on the overall process and the PSA will follow up on this.
ODPP PSA member involvement in your union
As a member-driven union, it is important that members in the workplace actively get involved in their union. We are aiming to increase the number of contacts and delegates we have in ODPP and encourage members working in all roles including – Administration, Legal and Policy to get involved. Your input and ideas will also be valuable in navigating the impending change process.
To be more involved in your union or if you want more information on what being a delegate or contact will entail, please contact Bart McKenzie .
Next JCC and JCC Dates for 2017
The proposed JCC dates for the rest of the year are:
- Wednesday 27 September 2017
- Wednesday 29 November 2017
Your PSA Industrial Staff:
Dean Allen – Industrial Officer
Bart McKenzie – Senior Organiser
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Get involved as your Area Contact
- Get involved by being on the ODPP DC
- Attend a meeting at your worksite.