Parramatta Square Workplace Group: Annual General Meeting results
Congratulations to the following who were elected at the inaugural Annual General Meeting of the PSQ WPG held on Tuesday 13 June at 12:30pm at 6PSQ and via Teams.
Chair (Rotating)
Joshua Michael Justice (first six months)
Maria de Pasion-Tangaroa Communities (second six months)
Vice chair (Rotating)
Brendan Cotton Communities (first six months)
Joshua Michael Justice (second six months)
Syed Samnam Justice
Assistant Secretary
Michelle Gardiner Justice
Women’s Officer
Maria de Pasion-Tangaroa Communities
Disabilities Officer
Vimmela Bendall Customer Service
CALD Officer
Meera Jagadeesh Customer Service
Please note the Aboriginal Officer and LGBTQIA+ Officer positions were not filled at the AGM and may be filled later.
Committee members
Justin Stech Communities
Terry Meader Communities
Peter Loader Communities
Bozena Jawien Communities
Rebecca James Communities
Phil Degenhardt Customer Service
Gagandeep Jeiji Customer Service
Judith Greenwood Environment
Neil Donnelly Justice
Lindsay Wilkinson Justice
Michael Parsons Planning
Aydan Casey Planning
Luke Chapman Planning
Anthony Lazzaro Planning
Yvette Murray Planning
Please note Committee member vacancies exist in the Environment, Planning and Customer Service electorates.
Next meeting of the PSQ Workplace Group
Date Wednesday 12 July 2023
Time 12:30pm to 1:30om
Location 4PSQ-L11.05h
Click HERE to join on your computer, mobile app or room device.
Meeting ID 226 536 373 621
Passcode sj7hhy
All PSA members and interested non-members are welcome to attend.
If you would like to know more about being involved in the PSA please contact one of your Delegates listed above.