POVB election: Facilities Maintenance POVB Sub-branch - Public Service Association

POVB election: Facilities Maintenance POVB Sub-branch

The POVB Management Committee endorsed the formation of the Facilities Maintenance POVB Sub-Branch in November 2024. The new Sub-Branch will give POVB Members who work in Corrective Services Industries Facilities Maintenance at various locations around NSW greater access to support and union representation specific to the role.

Facilities Maintenance POVB Sub-Branch members will elect Delegates who will present issues raised by Members to Corrective Services Industries management and the Senior Executive of Corrective Services NSW. The elected Chairperson of the Sub-Branch will also attend the POVB Management Committee and Delegates to Management meetings, held in July and November each year.

The POVB Management Committee consists of the POVB State Executive and each POVB Sub-Branch Chairperson. It is the peak decision-making body of the POVB and will now give Facilities Maintenance representation at that level.

In line with the POVB Rules, a Sub-Branch election will be held annually to elect Delegates in the following positions:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Vice Secretary

Please indicate which position you wish to nominate them for on the form.

Calling nominations

Please fill out the POVB Election Nomination Form to nominate an eligible POVB Member from the Facilities Maintenance Sub-Branch to the relevant role. Ensure all forms are written clearly and returned to POVB Organiser Jason Charlton –

The closing date for nominations is Friday 31 January 2025.     

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