POVB Increment Deferment Dispute Update
Following the POVB Bulletin Members received on Monday 7 August regarding the increment deferment dispute, the PSA & CSNSW were before Commissioner McDonald in the Industrial Relations Commission on Monday 14 August.
CSNSW acknowledged in the IRC that in many instances Managers have deferred increments incorrectly, and that payroll and CSNSW need to improve their systems to properly determine increments in line with the award and policies.
Commissioner McDonald made two orders; Firstly, for CSNSW to write to the PSA outlining how they propose to resolve the issues raised by the PSA in the Commission. Secondly that the parties report back to the Commission on Wednesday 20 September at 10am and CSNSW report that they have resolved the backlog of claims made by the PSA, and outline the steps they are taking to eliminate issues with their system in determining increment deferrals moving forward. The PSA / POVB received the letter from CSNSW last Friday please click here.
The POVB will meet with CSNSW tomorrow (Wednesday 23 August) to discuss outstanding individual cases of increment deferrals and clear the backlog of POVB Members who have already sent details to PSA Member Support. If you haven’t already sent through details of your increment deferral, please do so immediately, by contacting the PSA Member Support Centre, sending the following information to :
- Increment / Progression of Salary and Confirmation of Employment letter – This letter is signed by your Governor and states the reason to defer your increment. If the date of the determination is not four weeks prior to the increment date, it is in breach of the award.
- Absence Details Report – You should have received this report if your increment has been deferred for more than 5 unsupported sick leave days. If you dispute any of the unsupported sick leave days, please send the MSC any associated medical certificates or evidence.
- Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) – If you dispute the PIP where consideration has been given to your conduct, punctuality, performance of duties, attendance & sick leave record.
- Contact Details – Please provide updated contact details to the MSC in your email, including full name, PSA membership number (if known), work location and contact phone number.