POVB Increment Deferment Dispute Update - Public Service Association

POVB Increment Deferment Dispute Update

The POVB dispute regarding Members increments being deferred incorrectly by managers was finalised yesterday in the IRC before Commissioner McDonald. This matter had been ongoing in the IRC since the 14 August 2023.

CSNSW acknowledged in many instances Managers have deferred increments incorrectly, and that payroll and CSNSW need to improve their systems to properly determine increments in line with the Award. It was also acknowledged that the policy relating to deferral of increments was outdated and CSNSW committed to re-writing a more simplified CSNSW Increment Guidelines. The POVB has viewed the draft version of this document and it was agreed it will be available to staff and implemented by the end of next week. The draft CSNSW Increment Guidelines can be viewed HERE.

CSNSW also gave a commitment yesterday to provide training to managers in determining increments in line with the Award and guidelines and will implement a new payroll system that will assist in the process of automatically notifying managers when they are to determine increments.

Furthermore, CSNSW committed to continue working with the POVB to resolve any further outstanding matters where increments have been deferred outside of the Award & guidelines.

The POVB wish to acknowledge the outstanding work of Country Vice Chair Trevor Clark for raising this issue on behalf of the many Members who had their increments deferred incorrectly, which resulted in those Members receiving correct pay as well as back pay.

If there are any outstanding matters related to increments being deferred, please forward the following information to

  • Increment / Progression of Salary and Confirmation of Employment letter – This letter is signed by your Governor and states the reason to defer your increment. If the date of the determination is not four weeks prior to the increment date, it is in breach of the Award.
  • Absence Details Report – You should have received this report if your increment has been deferred for more than 5 unsupported sick leave days. If you dispute any of the unsupported sick leave days, please send any associated medical certificates or evidence.
  • Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) – If you dispute the PIP where consideration has been given to your conduct, punctuality, performance of duties, attendance & sick leave record.

POVB State Executive

Jason Charlton

Chair                                       Mobile:  0401 500 976


Keith Smith

Vice Chair                                Mobile:  0410 310 632


Savannah Walker

Secretary                                 Mobile:  0413 651 529


Andrew Brown

Assistant Secretary                 Mobile:  0422 890 159


Darren King

Country Vice Chair                  Mobile:  0407 935 039


Trevor Clark

Country Vice Chair                  Mobile:  0447 282 778


Gareth Ballard

Overseer Vice Chair                Mobile:  0422 883 400

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