POVB June update
POVB June update – June 2019 (PDF version)
Two weeks ago, a delegate from each sub branch attended the Delegates to Management (DTM) meeting over three days at PSA House.
The day prior to the DTM, Raylene Thompson Secretary of the POVB resigned due to her gaining a permanent job as Functional Manager MSPC 1-3. The POVB executive would like to thank Raylene for everything she did whilst holding the position. We wish her all the best in her career.
At the DTM, as per the POVB rules, nominations for the Secretary position was conducted. Four delegates were nominated from the floor:
- Mark Hutchinson – MRRC
- Neha Sharma – Mary Wade CC
- Gavin Hughes – Hunter CC
- Amanda Cotter – Goulburn CC
The delegates voted and the POVB Executive would like to congratulate and welcome Amanda Cotter to the team. We would also like to thank the other nominees for putting their hand up and wanting to be part of the team.
The following issues were raised and addressed at the DTM:
- Payroll issues – staff are having problems with the payment of their increments. We will be compiling a list of members who have raised the issue with us and sending them to CSNSW requesting a response ASAP. If any member is having trouble with their increment payment and have not contacted a member of the Executive, please do so ASAP.
- HR issues – we continue to raise the inconsistency with HR for filling vacancies. With casuals to permanent, EOI/transfer lists and permanents straight out of the Academy. Mr Severin stated that he has listened to our concerns and will be speaking with HR for more clarity.
- Functional Managers (FM) in small centres are now stating they will only work one in four weekends rather than the one in two as stated in all discussions throughout the benchmarking process. Mr Corcoran stated that they will be doing the one in two.
- POVB members acting into FM roles on a TA – it was raised from the floor, from several centres, that POVB members who are on a TA for an extended period of time attending sub branch meetings. It was raised that it could be a conflict of interest. A vote took place from the floor that if a POVB member is doing a TA, at Executive rank, for a period of three months or more then they could not attend POVB sub branch meetings. Members who are acting into the capacity on a daily basis or less than three months can attend the meetings. Members who are acting over the three months will still remain in the legal fund and if they need assistance they will still be able to contact the POVB Executive for assistance.
- CESU locations working one out – it was agreed that the POVB Executive are to work with CESU management to address the safety issue of court locations working one out in some locations on C and B watches.
- Management plans for court locations and CESU locations – The POVB executive are going to work with CESU management to get management plans for each centre and have all agreements consistent across the board. The Executive will also look at the staffing establishments, P28s and daily rosters with inmate numbers included for each location.
- Personal Protection Equipment and training for court locations – this was raised with CESU management and the Executive will continue to work with CESU management to address the concerns re training and PPE.
- CESU meetings – CESU management have agreed to four meetings a year – two face to face at the DTM’s and two phone hook-ups. The next meeting will be a phone hook-up and a date for that will be organised shortly and sent to all delegates.
- Disciplinary matters – we are averaging four disciplinary matters a week. If a member gets served with disciplinary paperwork, they need to send the Executive a copy of the papers served and any reports they may have furnished for the incident/issue.
- Acting up and training – it was raised from several centres that 1/C CO and CO’s are being asked to up to SCO OIC on C and B watches with no training. The raised this with CSNSW and have requested that a similar approach be determined for 1/COs and COs, who want to act up, be given the necessary training to carry out the roles. CSNSW agreed. The Executive have liaised with CSNSW on what roles we believe the training needs to focus on.
- Rostering issues – several rostering issues were highlighted from several centres – swap cut off times, SCOs not being allowed to swap with 1/CO, COs who have proven SCO skills, leave being knocked back if on watches etc. A meeting with OSU management for this week has been organised to address all the issues. Further communication will come out after the meeting.
- Issues register – the issues register is to be in all centres and we have approval for an issues register to be put in place in CESU locations. The issues register has worked successfully in centres that are using them as they should. We do have some centres were the issues register has fallen down as staff have stopped putting issues down and managers are not driving the process. The Executive have got CSNSW to continue with these registers even after benchmarking. It is a document that is invaluable when we have to go to the IRC or we raise issues to a higher level outside of the centre.
- COPP – Use of Force – discussion took place with CSNSW prior to the DTM and we have been successful in getting approval to review video footage after a use of force. This will be coming out in the coming weeks.
- COPP – Assaults – there will be a policy on assaults and in that policy, it will have a section on Assault Committees. This was previously under Governance for Work Health Safety Committees. Assault Committees are to meet 3-5 days after a staff member has been assaulted. If a staff member is assaulted in your work place and the Committee has not sat within the time frame please contact one of the Executive. This policy should be coming out in the coming weeks. We will put out another bulletin once it is out.
- COPP – Roof Extractions – the POVB Executive met with CSNSW re this policy and we informed CSNSW that no staff member, including SOG, should ever get on a roof that has not been tested for weight capacity and has the necessary equipment for getting inmates off the roof. Until all WHS concerns have been addressed, we will not agree to any policy that instructs staff to get on a roof to get inmates off.
- Call Sequence for filling vacancies – the POVB executive met with CSNSW prior to the DTM. CSNSW will be putting out a memo stating the agreed process in filling positions and when a VOR can be implemented in a centre.
The process is:
- Casuals to five shifts (as per award conditions)
- Overtime (staff working up to seven overtime shifts in total)
- Casuals doing six shifts or more (overtime rates as per award conditions)
- Overtime (staff working seven shifts or more)
- Seagull list (staff doing overtime from other centres)
- Centres implementing a VOR
Managers in centres will be informed that they must show staff that the processes have taken place prior to the implantation of any VOR. We raised with CSNSW that there are managers refusing to show evidence that the agreed process has taken place. If this happens in your centre, please contact a POVB Executive member and we will address the issue.
- Sub branch elections – Delegates voted on all sub branch elections to be carried out by PSA via electronic voting. Further information will come on this matter as elections take place next year.
The minutes of the delegates meeting will be out within two weeks and then delegates can distribute them to all members of their sub branch.