POVB: Member update
Bullying and sexual harassment
As members would be aware, there has been negative publicity in the newspapers regarding bullying and sexual harassment within Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW).
The PSA/POVB wrote to CSNSW requesting information on its plan to address the high level of complaints and how it plans to implement cultural change in the workplace.
Members have asked what is in place to ensure confidentiality when they submit a 48-hour notification form for bullying and harassment. Injury Management has responded that when the staff member submits a 48-hour notification form and puts bullying/harassment in the CAUSE/MECHANISM, the form will automatically go to the Safety Team and not the line managers of the centre or court location.
The PSA is also looking at how we support all parties in circumstances where both parties are PSA/POVB members. When we have further information on this issue, the PSA/POVB will inform our members in a further bulletin.
Cyclic Rostering Principles and Procedures
Members of the POVB Executive have tabled a list of issues regarding the current Cyclic Rostering Principles and Procedures. The PSA and CSNSW have already reached agreement on some of these matters, with further consultation required on other issues.
Members will be updated with more information in a bulletin once we have attended meetings with all stakeholders.
CESU restructure
CSNSW has presented staff in various regional court locations with a plan to restructure some 24-hour court locations to eight-hour and some eight-hour court locations to 24-hour. There have been several meetings on this matter at the affected locations.
The PSA has been in communication with the Police Association, which has issues with the changes. The Police Association believes the changes will affect their ability to respond to incidents in the community.
We have requested that CSNSW HR commence communication with the affected staff. However, there have now been indications in the media that the restructure may be paused for the moment.
We will attempt to get further information on this matter for members as we are aware that it is causing a lot of stress for the people involved. Further information will come out in a bulletin.
Workers’ compensation
The PSA/POVB have been liaising with a not-for-profit organisation called “Beyond the Badge”. This organisation assists first responders who are seeking to transition into new careers due to work-related injuries. We initially heard about this organisation from the Police Association.
Members of the POVB executive have attended a three-day course to see how the process works and if it will be of benefit to our members. Once we compile the information from this course, we will present it to CSNSW to explore the possibilities of this organisation assisting CSNSW employees into other careers.
Further information will be put out in a bulletin.
CSNSW Legacy
Previously we have approached CSNSW exploring the possibility of establishing a CSNSW Legacy similar to Police Legacy. We will be consulting with CSNSW on this matter and actively pursuing that this charitable organisation gets created.
PSA and POVB representatives have met with Police Legacy Chair and their Chief Operating Officer to get a better understanding of how the organisation operates.
This matter will be on the agenda for the upcoming delegates-to-management meeting on 29, 30 June and 1 July. Can sub-branches ask their members if they would be willing to donate weekly to this charity to support the children of our staff who have passed? The feedback will assist us to know if it is worthwhile for us to continue pursuing the matter.
All money paid will be tax-deductable.
Mandatory blood testing
Members may be aware that there is a bill in Parliament requiring Mandatory Blood Testing for any inmate that spits or uses their bodily fluids as a weapon. The inmate will be made to submit to a blood test, if they have not had one close to the date of the incident.
There have been extensive meetings and consultation with ministers from Parliament to get this bill passed. Without our current General Secretary, Stewart Little pushing this bill and communicating with politicians on how important it is for our members to have this information, the bill would not have succeeded.
There will need to be a policy developed for CSNSW and legislation will need to be amended before the bill becomes effective. The POVB Executive will seek clarification from CSNSW on when this will happen and further communication will come out to members once we know.
Contact details
Nicole Jess Chairperson
0427 609 199
Jason Charlton Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976
Natalie Howes Secretary
0407 011 441
Mark Hutchinson Assistant Secretary
0410 031 963
Darren King Country Vice Chair
0407 935 039
Joshua Hamade Country Vice Chair
0456 249 991
Clinton Lamb Vice Chair Overseer
0400 709 144
David McCauley POVB Industrial Officer
0419 022 767
David Bartle POVB Industrial Officer
0418 425 976
Trish O’Brien Welfare Officer
0412 120 391