POVB response to SERCO
POVB response to SERCO – September 2016 (PDF version)
It came to our attention yesterday, 7 September 2016, that Serco has recently published an Expression of Interest for employment within Justice NSW.
I note this Expression of Interest includes both the John Morony and the new Grafton Correctional Facilities.
The emphasis in this document is on Expression of Interest and in no way should be taken as an indicator Serco has achieved the contract for either facility.
The market-testing of the John Morony Correctional Centre is still in its infancy, as is the process for the new Grafton Correctional Facility.
I would like to be very clear to members that this advertisement by Serco seeking Expression of Interest for employment is simply one of the steps a prospective operator may undertake while preparing a bid in any tender process. It forms a part of their workforce planning. Any proponent seeking Government contract must demonstrate a capacity to carry out the functions for which they are tendering. In this case all bidders for operation of one or both centres must, must demonstrate their capacity to operate the Centre.
Steven McMahon
Chairman Prison Officers Vocational Branch