Powerhouse Museum – move to Parramatta
Powerhouse museum bulletin – February 2016 (PDF version)
For some time now, members have been aware of the proposal by Government to move the Powerhouse Museum from its current site in Ultimo to Parramatta. The proposal is being debated in Parliament on 25 February 2016 and the PSA is aware a petition of more than 20,000 concerned members of the public is expected to be presented.
Some of our members have worked for the Powerhouse Museum since its inception in 1988 and believe it should remain in its current position. Some have indicated that this is not a decision with the aim of benefiting the community but one that is of a political nature.
This is another ill-thought-out decision by Government and the community campaign against it should indicate the value of inclusiveness and consultation.
We understand the location of the museum will be determined before the end of the current financial year, although any move will be some years down the track.
The PSA supports our members’ wish to remain at the current site at Ultimo and believe this could be viable with a two-museum approach. Only a small number of existing exhibits are able to be displayed at any one time. An additional museum of the same status at Parramatta is the obvious solution.
No meaningful discussion has occurred at consultative forums between the PSA and Powerhouse Museum. The last two proposed meetings were cancelled at the last minute by management. This move clearly has industrial implications for our members.
The PSA will seek to engage with management in consultative processes by writing to the employer and recommencing the Joint Consultative Meeting process as soon as possible.