PSA comment on IRC direction concerning NSW correctives strike
The following statement can be attributed to a Public Service Association spokesperson:
“On Thursday 28 February 2019 Acting Judge Stuart Graham issued a decision quashing the conviction against Bassam Hamzy in August 2017 for an assault on a prison officer within the Goulburn Correctional Complex.
“Subsequently, the Department have also given a direction that officers may not impose behaviour management plans against violent and dangerous inmates, including those convicted of terror offences, pending further legal advice.
“This week, there have been a number of officers assaulted at the Goulburn Correctional Complex. This situation is unacceptable and requires intervention by the Commissioner of Corrective Services, the Minister for Corrective Services, the Attorney General and the Premier.
“Following the assault of an officer on Friday 8 March officers, understandably walked off the job.They were joined by their colleagues across NSW.
“The Department commenced proceedings before the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW before Commissioner Constance in conciliation and Commissioner Murphy in arbitration. As a result of that arbitration conducted by Commissioner Murphy, a number of orders were issued directing members to return to work.
“The Public Service Association has communicated this order to all affected members.”
Media contact Suze Metherell 0412 867 084