PSA CPSUNSW Training – Stronger Together Through Education - Public Service Association

PSA CPSUNSW Training – Stronger Together Through Education

There are lots of ways to get active in your union. One of those is to come along to PSA CPSU NSW training.

Union training is a valuable tool to empower members and delegates to build power in their workplaces and achieve good and effective resolutions to workplace issues. The PSA/CPSUNSW February to June 2024 course timetable is now online, found here:

The courses on offer are Introduction to the PSA/CPSUNSW, Meeting and Negotiation Skills, Role of the Delegate, and Assisting with Member Issues.

Introduction to the PSA

This course is aimed at people who are new to the PSA/CPSUNSW and would like to know more about its history and functions.

Meeting and Negotiation Skills

The first part of the course will help you to run meetings smoothly and efficiently, both in a union context and more broadly.

The second part of the course looks at negotiating skills. Tip the balance of power by learning to be an effective negotiator. The course is aimed at delegates and activists but would benefit any member.

 Role of the Delegate

This one-day course is designed to give workplace delegates the skills and knowledge they need to build power in their workplaces.

You will explore the importance of unions, history and the values that underpin them. You will develop your skills utilising tools such as mapping, recruitment conversations and problem-solving frameworks to build power.

Assisting with Workplace Issues

This course equips new delegates with skills and knowledge to assist members with workplace issues. You will learn to apply the problem-solving framework when resolving members’ issues. You will be able to share and apply knowledge of rights and entitlements. You will develop plans when helping members with workplace disciplinary actions or bullying.

Most PSA CPSU NSW members are entitled to Special Leave to attend union training. You are usually eligible for up to 12 days paid leave in a two-year period. However, please check your Award or Enterprise Agreement for details.

Please fill out the application form HERE if you would like to attend a course. Your union urges you to thoroughly read the applications procedures, acceptance criteria and procedures for applying for leave when enrolling in any PSA CPSU NSW course.

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