PSA Executive to visit flood-hit Northern NSW - Public Service Association

PSA Executive to visit flood-hit Northern NSW

The PSA CPSU NSW Executive has endorsed a permanent Emergency Relief Fund, giving up to $1000 to eligible members whose primary residence was totally or partially destroyed by a declared natural disaster.

Now, in March 2022 we are dealing with the catastrophic floods throughout the state especially in Northern NSW. As such, your union’s Executive is travelling to Northern NSW to talk to members about how they are coping and to visit the the disaster relief effort at Southern Cross University. The PSA CPSU NSW Executive will also hold its monthly executive meeting in the region.

Members are invited to catch up with the PSA CPSU NSW Executive.

March 28 12:30pm

Lunch and coffee for members
Southern Cross University Quad, Military Road, Lismore

March 28 5:00pm

Dinner and drinks
Goonellabah Football Club (Club Goonellabah)
Reserve Street, Goonellabah

Members wishing to join us for dinner should RSVP to . People are also welcome to just turn up on the night.

We want to hear from you, our members and see how we can help. Your union will always be here for you.

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