PSA gains concessions at the Industrial Relations Commission
The PSA has achieved a significant victory in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC). The PSA will now be consulted by the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) prior to decisions being made in regard to its Voluntary Redundancy EOI Program. The enhanced consultation means that the PSA can more pro-actively make representations for areas that will be substantially affected by any proposed job cuts.
As you can read HERE, the PSA lodged a dispute against DPC in relation to not meeting the consultation requirements in regard to its Voluntary Redundancy EOI Program.
The matter was heard in the IRC on Monday 8 February 2021. The PSA put on the record its particular concerns which included that:
- The process outlined indicated that decisions on job losses would be made prior to consultation with the PSA (note that VRs means the position goes and there is more impact on those left behind)
- Job losses are clearly not efficiencies (certainly not so many years down the track of cut after cut after cut)
- The current program would have significant impacts on rural areas and Indigenous roles despite Government continually advising that these areas should be safe
- Attempts should be made to make savings elsewhere prior to impacting on jobs.
DPC representatives advised the IRC it was “early days yet” and no decisions had been made.
The Department committed to meeting with the PSA on Monday 15 March 2021 and providing information (in advance) on roles where EOIs have been received. This will include discussion regarding criteria for approving EOIs for VRs. No decisions will be made prior to that.
The PSA made it clear we would need sufficient information to understand how sections and areas were impacted. Further we advised that we would need to consult with our membership following the meeting in terms of those impacted so that we can provide meaningful submissions and advocacy for affected areas. This appeared to be understood by both DPC and the IRC.
DPC did recognise our concerns regarding Indigenous positions and positions in rural areas and the need to support them. The PSA will continue to keep an eye on this.
The matter remains open with the IRC for three months with parties able to seek further assistance if required.
The PSA is standing up for your job – join the PSA today at