PSA Members Bulletin – Machinery of Government Changes and Consultation
Machinery of Government Changes and Consultation – April 2019 (pdf version)
Following the Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes – Public Service Agencies) Order 2019 there has been a lot of discussion about what the changes mean and how it will affect members.
Consultation has now begun and PSA Industrial Staff attended a briefing with the DFSI Director, Employee Relations on 9 April 2019. For now, we can report that:
- Current Consultative Arrangements remain in place. The next Joint Consultative Committee with the Department and the PSA will be on 2 May 2019.
- The Department has emphasised the Government’s commitment to no job losses in Regional NSW.
DFSI (DCS and Treasury) PSA Staff
Revenue, GCS, GCIDO and PAG (Treasury & DCS)
Industrial Officer, Phoebe Dangerfield
Regulation (DCS)