PSA site visit – Transport for NSW Wollongong
Your union Regional Organiser Bart McKenzie will be onsite at your lunchroom to talk about your payrise, and other union related issues.
PSA Visit:
TFNSW Wollongong
DATE: Tuesday October 22 2024
TIME: 12.00pm to 1:00pm
LOCATION: Lunch Room – Level 2
CONTACT: Bart McKenzie Regional Organiser Email:
- Your Union will visit your workplace on Tuesday, 22 October 2024.
- We will discuss Your Pay and Your Award and where it is at.
- We will also discuss member benefits including Union Shopper and the Free Will Service for members.
- Non-members are also welcome to call in and have a chat about the benefits of joining the PSA.
- We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!