As we close off the first quarter of 2024, your union – the PSA has the following updates to provide.
On 7 February 2024, your delegates met at PSA House, followed by a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) session with management on 21 February 2024. The next JCC is scheduled for 22 May.
Please see below updates:
Uniform & Protocol
Long Service Medal
The Command has advised us that everything has been finalised and approved by CET. Command is working on implementing the roll-out for eligible members.
Rank Structure
Following from issues raised, the PSA has requested that an update be provided to members in relation to the Rank Structure and any misunderstandings related to officer titles.
Promotions Gazette
The Command has reached out to the magazine and is in the process of finalising the gazetting of promotions. Expect the gazetting of future promotions. If this does not occur, please contact the PSA to follow up with the Command.
The PSA requested any information as to whether there is any anticipated changes to uniform away from the two tone “two blues” arrangements, as there has been some trials in other PAC’s for a darker Navy uniform similar to VICPOL.
The Command confirmed that they are not aware of any move away from the current arrangements within SMG or the wider Force.
Training and Development
Certificate IV
The Command has advised us that the Certificate IV is progressing, and that the finalised proposal is now with the AFP for final endorsement.
Relief Opportunities
The PSA discussed what current opportunities may be available for members to act up in positions. The Command advised us that they are in the process of releasing EOI’s for available positions.
Award (Entitlements)
Special Leave / Detached Duties
The PSA and the Command briefly discussed this matter, with no resolution at this stage. Both parties will have a follow-up meeting to discuss further.
Operational Matters
SOPs & Patrols
After a significant period of time, the SOP’s at Potts Hill have finally been amended to reflect the existing arrangements as requested by the PSA.
Wage Case
The PSA has been hearing that there have been numerous discussions amongst members in relation to the status of the wage case.
Certain rumors swirling that there has been an offer from the Commissioner/Police Minister are unfortunately not true.
Where we are now:
The Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) asked if further submissions would be submitted in the case.
This came about because of new Industrial Relations Legislation which was passed after the final submissions on the case were provided.
Both the NSWPF and PSA made further submissions in response to the IRC’s request.
We are now waiting for a decision from the Full Bench of the IRC in relation to the case.
We do not have a fixed date for the decision.
It is extremely disappointing and frustrating that despite:
- A lengthy court case,
- media attention,
- the resolution of other disputes, and
- meetings with management,
- employee relations, as well as
- the Police Minister
There has been no formal offer to settle the matter.
It is important to also take the time and thank everyone who has assisted the PSA with this case. The time, effort, and for some, giving evidence in these proceedings would not have made them possible.