PSA Win – Camping allowance for base camps!
As many members may know, in October 2019, the PSA commenced proceedings in the IRC to fight for the payment of your entitlement to a camping allowance to all RFS employees when camping in RFS base camps. The RFS strongly opposed these proceedings, claiming that RFS employees were not “required to camp” when staying in a Base Camp and therefore not entitled to the allowance.
In May 2021, Commissioner Webster of the Industrial Relations Commission found in favour of the RFS – the PSA appealed the Commissioner’s decision to the Full Bench of the IRC.
Yesterday, on the 16th of December 2021 , the Full Bench overturned Commissioner Webster’s decision and found in favour of the PSA, finding that during major incidents:
- RFS employees accommodated in base camps are entitled to a camping allowance at the established camp rate = $34.80 per night;
- RFS employees who provide their own bedding and sleeping bag while camping (including in base camps) are entitled to the bedding and sleeping bag allowance = $5.75 per night
- where the RFS does not establish a base camp, staff are entitled to be accommodated in middle of the range of accommodation or to return home.
The Full Bench recommended that the PSA and RFS confer “with a view to identifying, quantifying and paying any amounts that might be owing to employees as a result of the determinations (points (a) and (b) above”.
In accordance with this recommendation, the PSA will be writing to the RFS to commence discussions for backpay. We will keep membership abreast of these discussions.
As we are now in fire season, we encourage all members to claim their camping allowance and, where you provide your own bedding and sleeping equipment, the bedding and sleeping bag allowance.
This is a big win for PSA members, and only happened because of a strong and united membership.
Please forward this email to all colleagues who are non-members to ensure they are aware of the outcome, and so they can join the PSA so we can keep fighting for causes like this.
We will be reaching out in the New Year to ensure staff are being paid their entitlements correctly.
If you have questions, want to get involved, or want to join the PSA: Contact your organiser Glenn Duncan