Ranger recruitment discussed with PSA
Ranger recruitment discussed with PSA – October 2018 (PDF version)
On 27 August the PSA met with Planning and Environment to discuss Ranger recruitment. It reiterated its concern about the lack of consultation and that not all vacant Ranger positions in the Branch structures were being filled.
The Department advised the filling of vacant Ranger positions was at the discretion of the Branch. Hence it appears a number of vacancies may not be filled on an ongoing basis through this latest recruitment process. The PSA will continue to advocate that ALL vacant Ranger positions be filled.
The recruitment process consists of five panels across the Branches and there will be a ‘moderation process’ between the panels before offers of employment are made to the successful applicants. Those deemed suitable/successful, but not the first preferred candidate in a given location, were to be allocated to the pools established for any subsequent nominated locations.
There was further discussion with the Department on some form of Ranger transfer process being implemented prior to offers being made to successful applicants. However the Department indicated that it was not prepared to undertake such a process.
The original timeframe had applicants receiving the outcome of interviews from 15 October. In instances where long-term temporary Rangers are unsuccessful in the recruitment process the PSA will advocate for those members on a case by case basis.
Demarcation dispute – Kosciuszko National Park (KNP)
Despite attempts by the PSA to have the recruitment process for SFS 3s in KNP proceed consultation to date has not resolved in an outcome. The PSA is adamant that these roles should be covered under the NPWS PSA award for KNP. This arrangement should not be subject the PSA having to agree to the Departments wish to include FOGOs and FO 1-2 (Monday-Friday workers) in the NPWS PSA award for KNP. These matters are mutually exclusive and, as such, should be dealt with separately.