RE: Inmate Numbers and Motion 5 POVB Management Committee June 2014
Inmate Numbers and Motion 5 POVB Management Committee June 2014 (PDF version)
Delegates and Members
RE: Inmate Numbers and Motion 5 POVB Management Committee June 2014.
Please find a copy of a letter received yesterday Monday 16 February 2015 from the Office of the Attorney General Brad Hazzard HERE.
The letter indicates support for addressing the issues with Workers Compensation as the Legislation applies to Prison Officers. It further identifies a commitment to assist in bringing about these changes.
The Minister identifies the fact that some of our issues with Workers Compensation are administrative issues for CSNSW to address and I am continuing to work through these matters with Department of Justice Senior Managers.
I believe this letter to be a significant step forward in our campaign to have inequity’s in the Workers Compensation Legislation addressed and in efforts to achieve a Workers Compensation system for Prison Officers that provides us with appropriate medical and financial support in the event of being injured in the course of duties including guaranteeing that we are not financially disadvantaged.
It is my view that the Motion of the Management Committee should now be put aside and the process of addressing the inmate numbers should be taken in our stride just as all adverse situations are dealt with by Prison Officers.
Should you accept my recommendation that we put aside the Motion blocking increased inmate numbers in existing Correctional Centres; all Negotiations will be conducted using the precepts of safety and the Safe Staffing Award. A member of the State Executive will be present at all such meetings to assist Sub-Branch Delegates in the process. If at any time the Department and or Government fail to address our concern’s we can revisit the ban and or seek the assistance of the Industrial Relations Commission.
You may also recognise that discussions with CSNSW have continued through yesterday and today at some locations as we were requested to by the Industrial Relations Commission on Friday February 13 2015.
My reasons for recommending that the Motion be put aside can be condensed down as follows:
- I believe that the Motion has achieved all that it can by way of highlighting the issue and bringing it to the attention of the decision makers at the highest possible level.
- With this in mind I am not in favour of leading members into industrial action that would happen should we keep the ban in place. Any further industrial action in all likely hood would result in Members losing money and this would not influence the outcomes.
- From a realistic perspective we will have to place these inmates in existing Correctional Centres at some point and it is infinitely better to do so on our own terms.
- The number of inmates in court cells is creating a situation where by a group of members are placed at a heightened level of risk due to high numbers of inmates held in the Court/Police cells for extended period of time.
- In addition to this the Government have now announced that Kirkconnell will be reopened under CSNSW Management.
Please make arrangements to meet this afternoon 17 February 2015 prior to the “A” watch ceasing Duty and consider the ban.
Steven McMahon
Chairman Prison Officers Vocational Branch