Revenue NSW member bulletin
Revenue NSW member bulletin – October 2017 (PDF version)
New staff commence training
As members may be aware, the Lithgow Collection Centre had nine new staff commence their training last week.
Filling these positions was only made possible due to the representations made by the PSA. Your delegates urged management to reverse its original decision to not fill any vacancies as they arise in Lithgow and Maitland, and instead fill these positions in Gosford.
Importantly, the back down from Revenue NSW (then titled OSR) has resulted in an economic boost, as the original plan to remove jobs from Lithgow would have resulted in millions of dollars being pulled out of the economy.
The PSA welcomes all of the new starters and wishes them all well as they progress their training.
Not a member? In addition to annual pay increases and representation in industrial issues, PSA membership entitles you to:
- Five per cent off grocery shopping at Coles and Woolworths through Union Shopper website. Union Shopper also has a wide range of cheap deals for union members including electrical and white goods, cars, insurance and more. Visit to see the full range for PSA members
- Salary Insurance if injured travelling to or from work – this is no longer covered by workers’ compensation (see Product and Disclosure Statement and Policy HERE)
- Exclusive deals on home loans, credit cards, personal loans and insurance products from Sydney Credit Union (SCU)
- Welfare Rights Centre – provides support on all welfare/social services, including family allowances, sickness benefits, births and deaths, Austudy, unemployment, and sole parenting.
- The Provident Fund pays $3,500 to nominated beneficiary if a union member dies, regardless of cause
- Free wills – through our associated law firm McNally Jones Staff
- A scholarship of $850 per year for three years for children of union members who start university, subject to some conditions.
See for the full details. Remember, your union membership is fully tax deductible.