Rural Fire Service – Regional Services Directorate restructure
Rural Fire Service – Regional Services Directorate restructure – November 2018 (PDF version)
Your union lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission on Tuesday, 30 October 2018.
The dispute is about the restructure of the Regional Services Directorate.
As you are aware, the RFS notified staff of changes to the Regional Services Directorate including the creation of an additional Director role located at Dubbo.
The PSA was not consulted on this change as required under Clause 65.1 of the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009.
The PSA has concerns that the proposed changes have not gone through a proper process of releasing a change management plan, not identified how other positions in the Regional Services Directorate will be affected, and have not identified how the additional Director will be funded.
The PSA takes consultation very seriously. Changes to the workplace must be consulted on with employees and their union. It is not acceptable that RFS announce changes to your workplace without consultation and the details of the changes. As a result, the PSA lodged the dispute for the Industrial Relations Commission to assist in establishing a consultation process with the PSA and your delegates.
The dispute is to have compulsory conciliation heard before Chief Commissioner Kite on Tuesday, 6 November 2018. Chief Commissioner Kite is also hearing your RFS award variation.
Further updates
Your union will provide further updates to members after more information is known after 6 November 2018.
Your union will be visiting workplaces to update members.
If you would like to arrange a meeting at your workplace, please email Kirra Jackson at .
As always, the PSA welcomes member’s feedback. Should you have any questions or comments please contact your delegate firstly and if required the PSA.
Your NSW RFS delegates are:
Your PSA staff:
Andrew Boulton – PSA Industrial Officer
Kirra Jackson – PSA Organiser
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Get involved as your Area Contact
- Not a member – join online –
- Members can update their details at –