Service NSW Award and Your Pay Rise - Public Service Association

Service NSW Award and Your Pay Rise

The PSA has received feedback from delegates and members raising questions about a review of the Service NSW Award.

Currently your union is in the process of working to get your pay rise through as quickly as possible, facilitated by the Crown Employees Salaries Award.

The PSA has lodged a dispute in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission to ensure the pay rise is backdated for you. You can read more about the dispute HERE

We are not in agreement that a ‘No Extra Claims’ clause should go into Awards because that would stop us from negotiating changes to them. Until that is resolved, we cannot move forward on changes to your Award beyond the pay rise.

Please remind non-members that pay rises come from your union negotiating them, not from management offering them. Now is the time to join a strong and growing union that fights for the best outcome for members.

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