Service NSW: Fair Pay February
PSA members met via MS Teams on 24 November 2022 to discuss the Ten Years of Service Campaign and the results of the PSA survey.
Fair Pay February
The PSA survey confirmed that unpaid work is big area of concern for Service NSW members, with 49 per cent of respondents saying that they had performed unpaid work in the preceding 12 months.
In addition, members have advised the union that they will not be paid overtime unless they work a minimum of eight minutes extra a day. These unpaid minutes all add up, meaning that members may work several hours for free in a month.
Despite this, Service NSW management denies unpaid work is problem.
Management has admitted that starting and finishing times recorded in KRONOS, purecloud and other electronic time records are manipulated by the system to round up/down so we are not able to rely on these systems to provide accurate records of hours worked.
As staff are entitled to be paid for all hours worked, it was decided at the November members’ meeting that a PSA logbook would be developed to both demonstrate to Service NSW how widespread the problem is and so that the PSA can assist members in recouping wages for unpaid work. Therefore, all members are strongly encouraged to fill out this logbook in the month of February.
Ten Years of Service
Since its inception on 18 March 2013, Service NSW employees have played a pivotal role in supporting the citizens of NSW. Your union, the PSA will be celebrating and highlighting the essential work that all ServiceNSW employees perform.
It was decided that in the lead up to the 10-year anniversary in March the PSA will hold face-to-face meetings in both Newcastle and the McKell building, as well as profiling the essential work that Service NSW employees perform. The dates and further details of these events will be discussed at a members’ meeting to be held on 15 December 2022 (see details below).
PSA members’ meeting to discuss the Fair Pay February Campaign.
All PSA members across the state are invited to attend the next meeting to be held via Teams on Thursday 15 December at 4:30pm.
Register beforehand HERE.
Meeting ID: 486 020 067 858
Passcode: V2MnH3
- Fair Pay February
- Log book
- Ten Years of Service
- Face-to-face meetings at Newcastle and McKell
- Member profiles
- March 2023 event