The Public Service Association (PSA) convened with State Emergency Services (SES) for the final Joint Consultative Committee meeting of 2023 on 7 December. The following is a report summarising the matters discussed:
Workplace Health and Safety (WHS):
- Called for Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) across units; elections were conducted due to the number of nominations in some areas.
- Three zones lacked nominations, in lieu of a HSR the Health and Safety Manager is developing solutions for these spaces.
Recruitment and Elevate Program:
- Recruitment of over 100 staff from June 2022 is now completed, with some roles being placed in the Elevate program: currently in its 6th week of recruitment. The SES has reported that the Elevate program includes a number of temporary roles, with the intent to convert to ongoing if funding allows.
- 170 members participated in training workshops provided to staff and volunteers.
- Adjustments in reporting lines due to Corporate Management Plan (CMP) changes, SES reports that positive feedback has been received from employees despite short consultation periods.
Capability Framework:
- SES has allocated a year to roll out the new Capability Framework effectively. Alongside this, webinar sessions will be run during the day and evening, to be further available via recordings.
- The PSA reminds members that the new Capability Framework does not serve as Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) tool.
Onboarding and Offboarding:
- SES reported an achievement of 80% approval for onboarding while observing during offboarding that departure due to promotional opportunity is the majority report.
Rank and Insignia:
- Desire to streamline uniform guidelines, policies, procedures, and manuals to avoid consulting multiple sources.
- SES noted a lack of clarity on rank progression and its reflection in uniform, with a commitment to rectify this. New Terms of Reference (ToR) aiming for a better understanding and representation within the committee tasked to review this.
Contingent Labour and Contractors
The PSA is aware of the growing issue of labour-hire staff being used in supervisory roles, up to and including Director positions. We remind members that this is contravention of the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Award:
3.64 Supervisor means the immediate supervisor or manager of the area in which a staff member is employed, or any other staff member authorised by the Department Head to fulfil the role of a supervisor or manager, other than a person engaged as a consultant or contractor.
If you are aware of any instances where this is occurring, please alert the PSA by contacting the Member Support Centre or your local Delegate.
On behalf of the PSA, we extend a heartfelt thank you for your unwavering dedication and hard work throughout this year as members of the union and the NSW Public Service. With particular thanks to our Delegates- your commitment has been instrumental in our collective efforts. As the year draws to a close, we wish each of you a happy and safe holiday season!