Sheriff Operations Centre (SOC) bulletin
Sheriff Operations Centre (SOC) bulletin – October 2017 (PDF version)
PSA members at the Sheriff’s Operation Centre (SOC) contacted the PSA concerned the Department had unilaterally changed their long-standing roster of 20 years without going through the proper consultation process.
Members were also concerned about the directive, as their rostered day off was removed and their lunch period was changed. Further, the Department did not provide any alternative rosters or options for members to look over and provide feedback on before this change.
The Department initially had a meeting with staff, giving an undertaking they would be consulted and this was only the beginning of the process. Further, the PSA wrote to the Department after the meeting noting consultation is with the PSA as the representative of the members and it was inappropriate to circumvent the PSA. The issue was also raised at the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) on 15 September 2017 where the PSA asked for an update on the consultation process.
Having been given the undertaken and the assurances that consultation would occur, members were surprised that a directive by email on 16 October 2017 changed their hours to seven hours a day, one hour for lunch and not able to have a monthly RDO. The email also referred to the consultation process ending.
The PSA wrote to the Department asking that it cease and desist and that the status quo remain until consultation has occurred. The PSA has also noted that failure to do so could see a trip to the Industrial Relations Commission.
The PSA, SOC members and a SOVBAG delegate met with the Sheriff Office on 25 October 2017. We put forward that SOC staff want to remain Sheriff’s Officers and that they work seven hours, 36 minutes, with a 30-minute lunch break per day to obtain a monthly RDO and these conditions be formalised into a local arrangement. The Sheriff Office advised it would seek advice and contact us in 12 hours. That period was mutually extended and the PSA was advised by telephone at 4:30pm on Friday, 27 October that the 16 October email would be implemented without delay, and SOC Sheriffs who want a monthly RDO can request a transfer to operational Sheriff’s duties.
The unwillingness of the Sheriff Office to enter into meaningful negotiations has given the PSA no option than to file a dispute at the Industrial Relations Commission. We will provide members with short updates as further information comes to hand.
If you are a non-member and have concerns around this or other issues we encourage:
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Get involved as your Area Contact
- Not a member join online –
Your PSA SOVBAG Delegates:
Eddie Lia – Campbelltown Court
Daniel De La Paz – Penrith Court
Stephen Hancock – Burwood Court
Tony Morawsky – Mt Druitt
Andrew Pierce – Parramatta
Glen Elliot-Rudder – Wagga Wagga
Jason Woollett – Liverpool Court