Teachers Strike: Important information for PSA members
The NSW Teachers Federation is currently bargaining with the Department of Education over a new salaries award. As part of that action, the Teachers have called for a strike of their members on Tuesday 7 December 2021.
Although the PSA supports the issues raised in this action by the Teachers Federation, the PSA is not involved in this dispute and are not striking on the day.
Schools Non Teaching staff should report for work as normal.
We note the strike is likely to cause some issues with supervision of children in some schools, due to teacher shortages.
All PSA members are reminded that they should work to their statement of duties or role description, and should not take on the work or duties of colleagues who are striking for better pay and conditions.
Supervision of students, and other issues arising from the strike action, are the responsibility of the Department to manage.
The PSA has commenced, or will commence, bargaining for new awards covering many of our schools based staff in the next few months. The support you show the Teachers now is important for our own efforts in bargaining with the Department over pay and conditions, including our ongoing issues around permanency for long term temporary staff in schools.
In Solidarity!