Transport annuls decision to include TSSM’s in two years pay freeze.
On Tuesday 27 June 2023, Howard Collins TfNSW Secretary announced an update to Transport staff of his decision to revise and withdraw his earlier decision to include Transport senior service managers (TSSM’s) in the two years pay freeze, that NSW Government imposed on “…politicians, agency chief executive officers, executive office holders, senior executives, commissioners and judicial officers…” announced to Transport staff on Thursday 8 June 2023. The extract below is from Howard’s update:
“Following feedback on the recent pay freeze announcement, I have decided to revise my decision and no longer apply the freeze to Transport senior service managers (TSSMs). In making this decision, I have carefully considered the need to balance a tighter financial environment with the impacts to our people.”
Following the announcement, PSA industrial officer for TfNSW held a meeting with TSSM’s members on Friday 9 June 2023 to consider whether Transports decision was lawful, reasonable, and fair, consistent with the NSW Premiers media release on 30 May 2023 on The Parliamentary Remuneration Amendment Bill 2023 and Hon, John Graham’s Second Reading Speech on 01 June 2023 to Parliament on Statutory and Other Officers Renumeration Amendment Bill 2023(‘Bill’).
The PSA has sought legal advice on the legalities of Transports decision to include other categories of employees not prescribed by the ‘Bill’ and has written to Transport on 15 June 2023 asking for an explanation on its decision to include Transport employees and staff in two years pay freeze outside of the NSW Governments prescribed terms for senior executives.
At no stage has Transport ever consulted with the PSA on this matter – either before the initial decision was made or before its recent announcement to annul its decision to include TSSM’s in the two years pay freeze.
While the pay freeze will not apply, this does not mean that all TSSMs will receive an increase. The Transport Administration Act imposes limits on the maximum remuneration I can determine for TSSMs, and for those staff at or near the maximum, I am unable to grant an increase. We will continue to work with employees and unions to ensure that people are appropriately remunerated for their work.
Whilst Transports decision is a positive development for TSSM’s, the PSA require further clarification on the matters below and will write to Howard Collins for clarification.
- The above extract statement “…I am unable to grant an increase.’ may be correct in some circumstances due to individual contracts but may be allowable in others where the TfNSW A/Secretary has discretion to award renumeration even if the increases exceeds SES Band 1.
- Clarify and confirm the 15 per cent reduction to senior service leaders not include TSSM’s, 0.5 per cent increase to superannuation will be passed on to TSSM’s and that TSSM’s who have incremental progression in their contracts will be honoured.
The PSA is a fighting union and will continue to advocate and fight for all members regardless of who you are, what you do, where you work or reasons behind an unlawful, unreasonable and unfair decision that is detrimental to you and Your Rights at Work. Please reach out to your fellow colleagues and staff and encourage them to join the PSA and work together to protect your rights at work!