Transport Management Centre: Consultation and rostering provisions - Public Service Association

Transport Management Centre: Consultation and rostering provisions


On 17 February 2022 the PSA met with Transport Management Centre (TMC) management to continue discussions regarding issues in the workplace.  The following items were discussed:

  1. Recruitment: with recruitment scheduled to have commenced last week sought an update from TfNSW. We are advised there was a slight delay and advertisement should commence this week.
  2. PMES Working Party: in our last bulletin we publicised that TMC management had put an EOI out for a working party to address the poor PMES survey results. We had member feedback that there was no EOI.  We raised this with TMC Management and discussed how it was advertised.  We encouraged TMC Management to put out an EOI expressly for the working party and not to bury it in emails about other matters.  TMC Management took the PSA’s suggestion on board.
  3. Framework: The PSA is in continued consultation with TMC Management about a framework to ensure that if MOC’s are utilised for TOC work then:
    1. appropriate training is provided;
    2. it is for emergency use only, otherwise like all other ongoing vacancies are to be filled through appropriate recruitment procedures; and
    3. where there are differences in Award and the pay rates are higher, the correct industrial instrument is applied; and
    4. no MOC Is to be forced to do training or undertake TOC work.
  4. Duty Manager: TMC Management are waiting for People and Culture approval for any process to commence.

The PSA continues to meet with TMC management to resolve the above and any emerging workplace issues. If you have any concerns or problems, please let the PSA know you can complete this survey HERE or contact PSA Organiser Ben James.

Rostering and award negotiations


The PSA has received some feedback from members that the rostering has become an issue, particularly fatigue resulting from the way the shifts are rostered.  The PSA considers it crucial to ensure that members have a roster that meets appropriate fatigue controls (and WHS controls) and provides members with the hours (and overtime) they want and can safely work.

Rostering Provisions for Award Negotiations

Award negotiations are about to commence.  A union party to the TfNSW Award is putting the following claims related to the TOC:

  1. Traffic Operations Controllers have a 48 hour break between night shift and day shifts due to fatigue management purposes
  2. Traffic Operations Controllers be consulted with the view of developing and implementing fatigue principles and systems,
  3. Traffic Operations Controller requests rostering arrangements be agreed to as outlined in clause 15.

The PSA in principle agrees that rostering needs to manage fatigue.  At the moment the fatigue principles being developed in consultation with all relevant unions across TfNSW will require a 24 hour break between consecutive night shifts and commencing a day shift.  The PSA is concerned placing provisions in the Award requiring a 48 hour break between night shift and day shift is going restrict member’s ability to not only work but also work overtime shifts.  We want to know what members think of these claims.

To receive feedback from members on all of the above issues, the PSA has organised a number of Microsoft teams meetings. Please attend any meeting that suits your schedule. Alternatively you can reach out to your organizer Ben James, E: , M: 0438 485 535.

Details are as follows:

Meeting #1

Date 25 February
Time 2:30pm-3:30pm

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting #2

Date 28 February
Time 2:30pm-3:30pm

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting #3

Date 1 March
Time 2:30pm-3:30pm

Click here to join the meeting

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