Transport Management Centre update - Public Service Association

Transport Management Centre update

The PSA has been made aware of several issues that the membership has in relation to the implementation of the Surface Transport roles.

To better understand the issues surrounding the implementation the PSA:

  1. will be visiting the Transport Management Centre over the coming weeks to talk to any members and non-members around this issue and any other issues they may be having at work. Details of the meeting are at the end of this bulletin.
  2. has sought clarification from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) around what consultation occurred when introducing the Surface Transport roles into the TOR.

As a potential first step to alleviating continuing issues that have arisen in relation to rostering, the PSA has written to TfNSW Employee Relations to commence discussions around developing principles for roster development. This letter can be found HERE. As members may be aware, as part of the recent award negotiations there were agreements made that the parties (the department and unions) would work to together in the development of local arrangements to address claims relating to roster development.


  • Wednesday 31 August
  • Thursday 8 September
  • Friday 16 September


GR MR.02

Ben James

0438 485 535

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