Uniform Allowance for Court Officers working for the Office of the Sheriff
The PSA wrote to Tracey Hall, Sheriff of NSW, on the 26 August 2022, on behalf of members working for the NSW Sheriff’s Office, to claim payment of the Uniform Allowance under Clause 46 of the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Award 2009.
On Friday 16th September 2022, the PSA met with Department of Communities and Justice representative concerning our claim.
We can report the meeting was positive and look forward to providing members with further updates in due course.
The concern on payment of the allowance was raised by the PSA at a recent Court Officers Joint Consultative Committee. At the meeting the PSA was advised that Court Officers across Jury Services Branch are entitled to the Laundry Allowance under the Award. It appears members have never been paid the Laundry Allowance due to procedural oversight.
Our members who work as Court Officers, and possibly other members working for SHO issued with uniforms covered by the Award, are entitled to payment of the Laundry Allowance. They clearly meet the requirements of Clause 46, as they are “required or authorised by the appropriate Department Head to wear a uniform, protective clothing or other specialised clothing in connection with the performance of official duties”.
Failure to pay the Laundry Allowance to our members is a breach of the Award and must be rectified forthwith. The PSA claim ongoing payment of the Laundry Allowance, together with back pay to all existing members and members who have left the Sheriff’s Office.
Your union encourage all non-members working as Court Officers or in any other capacity for the Sheriffs’ Office who may be entitled to this allowance join the PSA, to receive the Laundry Allowance under the Association’s claim made on behalf of members.
You may not be aware the PSA is working hard on a range of important issues of concern for Court Officers, Jury Services staff and other classifications within the Sheriff’s Office. For more information, please contact the Industrial staff, SOVBAG Delegate or PSA’s Member Support Centre for all enquiries:
Andy Wright Industrial Officer
Pam McKenzie SOVBAG CO Delegate
Member Support Centre
1300 772 679