Update for Auto-Inspectors - Public Service Association

Update for Auto-Inspectors

PSA has again raised the question of re-evaluation of the Automotive-Inspector roles.

We understand the Acting Director advised the team in September that the briefing progression is on hold at the moment.

In further discussions with management we were told that they are currently working through how they align their work in the automotive sector closely against the Fair Trading strategic and regulatory priorities.

There has been a series of workshops across Fair Trading Operations (with Issues Resolution, Assessments, Consumer Protection Compliance and Investigations) to map out all the parts of work that contribute to the automotive journey, with workshops held with the leadership team.

They first need to complete this work to ensure that they can be clear on roles and accountabilities going forward, and that they are working cohesively across the end-to-end automotive regulatory landscape.

Once this work is complete, this will inform how they progress the proposal.

They are unable to advise when the work is likely to be complete. We are aware that it is getting close to two years since this was first raised with your Director. We will take it to the next Joint Consultative Committee meeting and report back to you in the coming weeks.

In the meantime we have discussed with Employee Relations that any changes to roles and role descriptions will need to be consulted upon.

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