Update on consultation around Rapid Antigen Testing
On Thursday 30 September your union, the PSA met with Shane Bentley and Aaron Keech to discuss the introduction of mandatory Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) prior to members starting their shifts.
Shane Bentley confirmed the introduction of RAT prior to staff commencing shifts in the Transport Operations Room (TOR) and the options for staff who do not wish to be tested.
The PSA raised questions around the testing itself, whether the testing would be completed on work time as well as whether these changes would be temporary or continue on into the foreseeable future.
All staff would have now received notice of an all staff
Q and A Consultation session scheduled for next Friday, 8 October 2021.
Between now and then the PSA intends to continue consultation with both the TMC and the TfNSW Covid-19 taskforce around these changes.
If members have any concerns they are encouraged to reach out to their organiser Ben James, E: .
We’ll be looking to represent the views of the entire membership to management.