Update on questions asked at PCC
On Monday 30 March, the PSA attended the monthly RMS Peak Consultative Committee (PCC) meeting. At the PCC meeting, a number of important issues were discussed and the PSA raised a number of the concerns which members have raised us at recent member’s meetings. Please find below answers to a few of these queries. You will note that a number of these questions were asked at the previous PCC.
Action in Equip is being undertaken to ensure that the increments of staff are notified (an email approval rather than accessing equip to approve).
PDR mid cycle review
The PSA asked if mid-cycle PDR review meetings would be postponed or suspended until face to face meetings are available. This question was taken on notice, to be followed up on.
EAP sessions
The PSA inquired as to whether there were any thoughts to increasing the number of EAP sessions that staff are entitled to, due to the heightened anxiety and stress being experienced during this period. At the moment staff are entitled to six sessions with the ability to ask for approval for additional sessions. It was raised by the PSA that requesting for additional sessions removes the ability for these sessions to be confidential. This question was taken on notice by the department, it is to be looked into.
Fatigue working group
Recommendations have been developed. The WHS branch team now have eight weeks to develop these into working draft documents. Meet back in early May.
New software install of Windows 10
Queries were raised around staff’s ability to meet appointments for Windows 10 upgrades due to Covid-19 restrictions. Staff to be updated as the situation develops and IT has been diverted to Covid-19 responses and preparedness. Members are encouraged to record and communicate issues as it moves forward.
System capability and working from home
The PSA raised concerns about whether there is the system capability to support the increasing number of people working from home. The department confirmed there have been some glitches with the system but assured us that this is to be expected.
If you have any other queries, feel free to contact your workplace organiser Ben James at or 0438 485 535.
What can I do?
- If you’re not a member, join the PSA today by following the link HERE.
- If you are a member, forward this bulletin to your colleagues who are not members.