Variation to the RFS Award – PSA v RFS
As you are aware, PSA membership voted in support of varying the Crown Employees (Rural Fire Service) Award (RFS Award), the bulletin can be viewed HERE.
Later this year, the PSA will be proceeding to hearing against the RFS to vary and improve your conditions in the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW. As part of the proceedings, the PSA is looking to challenge the RFS’s historical interpretation of the RFS Award. It is the PSA’s view that the RFS has been misinterpreting the hours of work clause (clause 7) and the after hours allowance clause (clause 13).
As part of the PSA’s case, we want to lead evidence on behalf of our members to demonstrate how the RFS Award has been applied in practice. Accordingly, we kindly request that you complete the attached survey concerning the payment of overtime in the RFS, found here:
If you have questions regarding the award, please contact the PSA on 1300772679 or your organise Glenn Duncan on