Your union works for you: commissioning restructure Q&A PSA meeting
Your union works for you – commissioning restructure Q&A PSA meeting – November 2017 (PDF version)
Members in Family and Community Services affected by the Commissioning Transition have expressed their concern around the restructure and have requested a briefing from the PSA.
We have organised to hold a briefing and Q&A with Industrial Officer Greg Shaw on Tuesday 21 November 2017. If you have any questions you would like to ask, there will be an opportunity to do so at the end.
Tuesday 21 November
Level 2, ASH Breakout Room
223-239 Liverpool Road ASHFIELD
All welcome. If you are not a member yet, you will be able to join at the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you there!
If you need more information about this meeting, or would like to get more involved in the union, please contact your organiser Mary Jo Costache on 0438 346 242 or .