Youth Justice NSW: Covid-19, serious incidents in custodial, restructures to Custodial Caseworkers and BAL to BASS
The Youth Justice NSW Departmental Committee Delegates (YJ NSW DC) met Wednesday 16 February 2022 to discuss current industrial issues affecting staff and members.
COVID-19 processes and requirements increase staff fatigue across the agency
The additional imposition of COVID-19 workplace mandates, requirements and PPE over the past two years without additional resources has placed increased workload pressures and contributed to staff fatigue.
There appears to be commonality in how wide and deep this has affected staff. However, it is a particularly prevalent view across most custodial centres. YJ Community staff have reported concerns surrounding the effectiveness and quality of remote intervention options during the pandemic.
To address and provide relief to a workforce experiencing physical and mental fatigue and workload stress, the PSA strongly advocates for the filling and backfilling of all vacant Equivalent Full Time (EFT) roles across the agency. Again this is especially important in custodial centres, including the creation of unfunded specialist roles (Psychologist) and programs recommended by the Shearer Report for the creation of the now operational High Risk Unit (HSR) in Cobham Youth Justice Centre.
Our members in the Community stream report the high importance of maintaining solid flexible work practices and opportunities.
Lastly, the PSA suggests flexibility and discretion on handling individual decisions concerning COVID-19 Special Leave and rules to assist staff during this challenging time.
Serious incidents and management of difficult and dangerous detainees in YJ NSW
The agency reported to the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting Thursday 17 February, that WHS stats indicate a substantial reduction in the frequency and number of assaults across YJ community and YJ custodial centres.
While this is a positive development, the PSA is mindful that the concentration of difficult and dangerous detainees in the system increases risks and the potential for high-level incidents to occur. The PSA has supported and continues to support the full implementation of the Shearer Report Recommendations as the best tool to manage and reduce risk of violence to staff.
Application under Section 28 for transfer of over 18-year-old out of YJNSW
The cooperative efforts between the PSA and YJNSW was ultimately successful in facilitating the transfer of a challenging and dangerous young adult under Section 28. The young adult had been involved in numerous violent incidents and assaults on staff and other detainees.
The young adult’s deteriorating behaviour and conduct caused increased levels of staff anxiety, mental health pressures and increased instability within the centre. Most importantly, an agreement was reached to ensure the young adult would not return to YJNSW should they breach their arrangement agreement. The PSA asks members to report serious incidents of assaults and violence to the PSA.
Assistant Managers Community supervising Custodial Caseworkers
The Acting Executive Director of YJ provided a report to the JCC that the request from the PSA to conduct a workload analysis for Assistant Managers Community was now complete. Although details of the workload analysis were not provided, it was reported that overall case numbers had reduced significantly over the past two years, meaning a reduction in workload overall.
The Regional Assistant Manager Community had requested to proceed with the trial of the proposed supervision model due to the needs of Custodial Caseworker staff and their ability to supervise those staff. Both Cobham and Frank Baxter YJC have elected to retain their current supervisory model of internal supervision. The remaining key issue concerns the joint management of Reiby YJC caseworkers between Campbelltown YJ Community and Wollongong YJ Community offices. A members’ meeting will be arranged between staff at in these offices.
Public Sector Wages Policy
In 2011, the NSW Coalition Government legislated to keep Public Sector wages down, deciding that 2.5 per cent would be the maximum annual pay rise the Public Sector could claim.
The effect of inflation and the NSW Government’s cap on wage increases means that the real wages of members have declined. This is compounded by public servants only receiving a 0.3 per cent salary increase in 2020 after the Government attempted to freeze Public Sector wages.
PSA wage claim 2022
The PSA executive has approved for real wage claim of 3.6 per cent +, which is above the NSW Government’s 2.5 per cent salary cap policy to ensure public sector workers keep pace with inflation and superannuation increases. The NSW Government will resist change to its policy and will spend considerable resources to ensure public sector workers are not commensurately rewarded for their increased efforts over the past two years.
Listen to the PSA Podcast discussing this issue on Facebook HERE. Or search PSA CPSU in your favourite podcast app and subscribe to the PSA Podcast.
Bail Assistance Line (BAL) to Bail Assistance Support Services (BASS)
There is a current restructure in this group with proposed actions below:
- Move to Cobham YJC perimeter
- Additional Services to be added (accommodation)
- New role descriptions
- Affected staff will need to reapply.
The PSA is liaising with affected members to provide support and assistance.
Transport roster: Changes without Consultation
Changes to transport staff rosters have been made without consultation, including actions to recruit centre-based staff to vacant roles and pressures placed on older workers to move on. The PSA is monitoring this process and is involved in discussions to ensure a fair process and outcome is attained.
Departmental Committee delegate vacancies: We need you to strengthen your union!
There are a number of vacancies in the Departmental Committee that need to filled by members in the following centres. If you work in the centres below and are interested in shaping our DC on issues that affect our members, please respond with your interest to the PSA:
1 – DC delegate Cobham YJC
2 – DC delegates Reiby YJC
2 – DC delegates for Frank Baxter YJC
1 – DC delegate Community
YJNSW Departmental Committee Delegates
Martin Robinson Chair, Transport Logistics Parramatta CC:
Tammy Elwin Secretary, Caseworker Wagga Community Office:
Sam Faaloua Cobham YJC: ">
Jason Hedey Cobham YJC:
Glen Harwood Frank Baxter YJC:
Matthew Beetson Acmena YJC:
Robert King Orana YJC:
Suzanne Evans Riverina YJC:
PSA industrial staff
Gino Di Candlio Industrial Officer:
Latu Sailosi Organiser: