Fisheries: Bans remain in force - Public Service Association

Fisheries: Bans remain in force

Fisheries bans remain in force - Aug 2019 (PDF version)

The PSA held an urgent meeting with Fisheries management on Monday 26 August to discuss the bans that have been put in place by FOVB members.

We advised management that we were aware that approximately 70 offenses had been entered into Nautilus since we last met in March. At that previous meeting they had advised us that Fisheries Officers’ role with rock fishing was more relating to training rather than hands-on compliance. They stated in March that they would seek clarification and get back to us and that there would be no roll-out of related duties without consultation. At Monday’s meeting management advised that there had been no direction to further roll this out and they need to look into the instances raised by the PSA and get back to us.

They could add nothing conclusive in regard to the provision of legal advice relating to the use of batons and handcuffs under other legislation.

Another meeting is scheduled for Friday 30 August to discuss further.

As a result, the work bans are still in place. These bans are:

  • The PSA directs members not to engage in Rock Fishing Safety Enforcement duties.
  • The PSA directs members not to engage in any compliance and enforcement activity where the carriage and use of their baton and handcuffs has not been clearly established as lawful by fisheries compliance management, for example, duties associated with, but not limited to, extra-territorial patrols and NSW Biosecurity or Commonwealth Marine Reserve legislation.

The PSA directs all members to follow the above bans. It is vital that members act in solidarity in order to progress the matters.

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